Saturday, July 30, 2011

Get ripped with out a gym. No gimmicks, just results.

No time to go to the gym? We hear you. This routine is designed for beginners using only your body. It's perfect if you have no gym access.
So let's get started.
Monday (Legs and Abs)
Jumping Squats. The numbers you are capable of doing will vary depending on your fitness level. Squat all the way down, below paralell, and explode up. Do these as fast as you can, as many as you can, till failure, for about 5 sets. Next, find a room or a park or doesn't really matter where actually...just make sure you have enough room and don't end up damaging anything. Now we are going to do sprints. I prefer 40 to 100 meters, the shorter and more explosive, the more mass we put on.  Now what you'll do is sprint forward till the end of your 40m (or whatever distance you want), pause a moment, take a 10 second rest, sprint back, then immediately do walking lunges for your 40m. Then repeat the process, sprint, sprint, lunge a total of 3 times. Your legs should be almost dead by now but we won't stop here. The hardest part begins now. Start running in place, and every 5 seconds or you are going to drop down and do a burpee. Get back up as quick as possible. Do this for about 5 minutes or until exhausted. Now get down in a pushup position and hold it. Both your legs and abs should be killing you! Try and hold for this for at least a minute or more. As soon as you collapse start doing situps. do about 3 sets till failure. Cool down with a jump rope or jumping jacks.
Wednesday (Chest, Triceps and Shoulders)
I like starting off with dips. I usually do about 5 sets till failure. If you don't have a dip station stay tuned to this blog because I will show you how to make your own. For whatever reason, if you can't do these, skip them. Now we are going to start with pushups. We will do the Solid Chest and Strong Arms method. Do Pyramid set pushups. After each set raise your arms, I know this might sound weird but it works, and reach for the sky. Pretend you are throwing a ball in the air. Do the arm raises the same amount of times you did pushups for that set. So do 10 pushups, 10 arm raises, 9 pushups, 9 arm raises, and so on, till you reach zero. Again, if this is not challenging enough please check out the Solid Chest and Strong Arms method so you can see how to make the exercises more challenging. Another technique here is getting a chair, and put your feet on it and then do the pushups. This creates more tension on all the upper body muscle groups involved. After this is finished, do some bear crawls For these it helps to have a nice room to move around in. Break crawl back and forth for about 3 sets of 10. Then crab walk till failure. Your arms chest and shoulders should feel like they are going to fall off by now! If capable try doing medicine ball throws. If not, you can do a plank till failure. Cool down with jump roping or jumping jacks.

Friday (Upper and Lower Back)
I often try to add legs, primarily hamstrings to lower back and upper back because these three often work in unison. These three are also the hardest to train, in my opinion without any external weight. It can be done though. First you'll need a pullup bar. If you don't have one, please buy one. It's one of the best investments you make, and makes back training much easier. There are alternatives which I will discuss in other articles. Do about 3 sets trying for perfect form, each till failure. Now to hit our biceps we will do more pullups, but with our hands close together, palms facing us. Now for these we will cheat. Do about 3 sets of 6-8, and use your hips to help propel you up. You shouldn't be able to do them without cheating since you did 3 sets of perfect form till failure. After doing this, do negative rep training. Start in a pullup position, use a chair or something if you need to, and slowly let yourself down. Do this for about 3 sets, the reps will vary so do about 6-10.  Next we will do ''Supermans". If you don't know how to do this, google it. Do about 3-5 sets till failure. Your legs should be fairly rested, so you can do about 5-10 100m sprints followed by 10 sprawls (wrestler sprawls) at the end of each sprint. Cool down with dynamic stretching.

Abbreviated workout
Jump Squats--5 sets till failure
Sprint, Sprint, Lunge
5 minutes of Burpees
Plank--1 minute or till failure
Sit ups--3 sets till failure
Jump rope or Jumping Jacks

Day 2
Dips (Optional)--5 sets till failure
Pyramid Set Pushups and Arm raises
Bear Crawl--3 sets of 10 laps
Crab Walk--Till failure
Plank and or medicine Ball
Jump rope or Jumping Jacks

Day 3
Pullups (with good form)--3 sets till failure
Pullups (cheating, narrow grip, palms facing you)--3 sets of 6-8
Pullups (negative movement)--3 sets of 6-10
Supermans---3 to 5 sets till failure
100m sprints followed by 10 wrestler sprawls--5-10 sets
Dynamic Stretching

This routine works for everyone. Depending on your fitness level the numbers of sets and reps will need to be tweeked. This is intended for beginner and intermediate fitness levels and is extremely intense for a beginner as well. It is okay to start slowly. The less rest taken between exercises the more difficult it becomes. Be judicious in adding cardio workouts on off days, and most importantly of all, be careful.Try this. Tell us how it works for you, We want your feed back
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The pushup, how to get a Solid Chest and Strong Arms

Most people when trying to get in shape, are concerned with 3 general areas: arms, abs, and chest. Wouldn't it be great if you get all these areas targeted at once? That would save you ALOT of time. Well, here at The Dirt Cheap Home Gym we will show you how with a few simple exercises. The first is the pushup. Now, I know what you are thinking, "This guy is telling me to do pushups...that's not inisghtful at all". I do hate being cliche but these things work. The reason why you have not gotten results from them yet is because you are doing them wrong.  So how does one do pushups wrongs? Well if you are first starting out your experience is probably this. You just do them when you wake up or before you go to bed a couple sets until failure. You do this for a few weeks and notice some definition, but then the results begin to taper off. What happened? Well to put it bluntly, workouts like that are okay when you start off, but you need to kick it up a notch. Here I will give a sample routine that will take less than 30 minutes, will burn a ton fat, get your heart going, and develop muscle.
We will do what is called pyramid training.  I will explain this as we go.
Roll your arms and neck. Loosen up a little. You don't need to worry about stretching too much, however.
Beginner Work out:
  1. Pushup Position
  2. Do 10 pushups and hold your pushup position for 15 seconds
  3. Then 9
  4. Hold your pushup position for the same ammount of time
  5. Keep doing one less, but take the same ammount of rest time
  6. Go all the way down to one.
  7. When you hit one, if you are still not tired, then start counting up with your pushups all the way back to 10.
  8. Repeat till no more repetitions can be performed
This is a good starter workout, even if you can't do a lot of pushups, most people can at least do 10 ( I hope). The initial 10 is pretty easy, however as the workout progresses doing even 1 pushup can become difficult. The 15 seconds held in a pushup position (or sometimes called a plank) gets your abs working while giving your arms some, but not too much, rest. The shoulders are used as secondary muscles, although there are ways to manipulate the workout so your shoulders can get hit harder. The triceps and chest are mainly whats getting hit here. If done seriously, this should get your muscles exhausted. This workout can be modified by increasing the starting number, like starting at 25. You can also change the number of pushups you decrease/increase by in each set, like doing 30 pushups, then 25, then 20, and so on. Another trick, if you are really stiff, and having trouble warming up, or can't do many pushups, is starting your set with one rep and increase. If there is no time to warm up, the first few sets of several pushups will warm you up as you go. Doing higher reps of pushups is sometimes easier this way.

As a peer wisely pointed out, that even though this may be a beginner's workout, a beginner may not always be capable of 10 pushups. This is fine. All you need to do is tweak the work out to make it easier or harder depending on your ability. Start from the top of the pyramid and descend, start from the bottom and ascend, or increase/decrease the reps. A variation including arm raises is also included here, specifically under the chest, triceps, and shoulders section.

Anyways, that's it for now! Please comment on what you think of this routine. Do it as soon as you are done reading this, and tell me what you think.
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So you want to get in shape?

There you are, late at night, eating your chips, drinking your soda, watching the television, and some advertisement for one of these weight loss miracles comes on. Some so called 'clinical study' at some 'university' by some 'doctor' has proven it to be scientifically effective. Meanwhile, the gorgeous men and women on this advertisement are telling you it works. Feeling extremely inadequate, yet eagerly hoping, you make the decision to trust these strangers on television, and call the number on the screen. After all, you must hurry, they will throw in some useless object in addition if you call quick enough; some object which is probably factored into the original sale price of the product. But you must hurry! You talk to the nice person on the phone, whose job is one likely outsourced to a foreign country. This person probably possesses an English vocabulary more or less sufficient to satisfy their intermediary role in acquiring your personal information. The product arrives a few day later. If you were lucky you may not have had to pay shipping. You anxiously open your box and see your new product, one probably with some catchy strange name. You entertain your dreams once more. This will enable you have the body of Hercules! You won't have to sweat, or limit the foods you find enjoyable. This product eliminates any need for discipline or hard work--it's perfect! The product is used by it's owner for one day, maybe one week, or if lucky, one month, and then it gets used as a dust collector. The owner became frustrated and gave up. Those beautiful people from the television could not possibly lie, right?
I am going to say what most don't have the courage to. In fact, I'll tell you something that almost no one will tell you. They probably did lie. If you can relate to the scenario just mentioned, then you have been taken advantage of. But you did not listen to them because they told you lies. You listened to them because they told you what you wanted to hear. These advertisements play on peoples, desires as well as their gullibility.  The people who advocate these products are paid models who very likely don't do the methods they are being paid to preach. The real people who have found success with them are rare and hand chosen. The doctors and clinical studies are often bogus, and funded by these companies themselves. They come with an inherent bias, and furthermore, by distorted interpretations, deceptively support the company's product. The products are outsourced and made for dirt cheap in poor countries, and then are advertised as being for a reduced price when the amount of profit being made off of them is extremely high to begin with. Okay, I'm getting a little off topic.
I do not necessarily want to give late night advertisements a bad wrap either. There are many good products shown, but the majority of them fail. Here is why. They guarantee success without any effort or discipline. They use biased claims and skewed data, which the viewer will never bother to verify or research themselves.
So now you might be wondering, how do I tell if a product or method works? Quite simple, one must listen to reviews from as many sources as possible, with as little bias as possible; be realistic--does an all ice cream diet really sound effective? Do you really think you will lose weight while watching Spongebob? A good product or method will not diminish your hard work. It will enhance it! There is a difference here. You need to work smarter and harder. I am going to put it bluntly, so please listen. This is the most important part of the article. It is very difficult to get in good shape without any dedication, hard work, and discipline. I repeat, it is very difficult to get in good shape without any dedication, hard work, and discipline. The three, dedication, hard work, and discipline are PREREQUISITES to good results. Many factors come into play, such as genetics and environment. It is easy for a fat person to stay fat, and a skinny person to stay skinny. Yet stockier folk put on muscle easier and are cut out for sports like football. Whereas the skinny have issues gaining weight, but can be more inclined to succeed at sports such as running. I will get into this at a later time in more detail.

If you don't learn anything from this huge wall of text, take this bit of knowledge with you, if you want to get in shape it's going to hurt. It will be uncomfortable. You will probably go to bed hungry some nights. Mommy might also get mad at you because you can't try her new pudding. Well too bad. And if you are not willing to make compromises, then leave this blog right now. Sill here? Good. Next blog I will post some cheap methods on how to make a gym in your own home.
Take Care.