Friday, August 5, 2011

The Best Vegetarian Foods for Body Building

In my last article, I discussed the benefits of vegetarian body building. Now if you liked what I wrote and have an interest in the actual foods to eat, then keep reading. Also, the foods mentioned are not exclusively for vegetarians. They are of benefit for anyone looking for extra protien in their diet. Here they are!
  • Tofu/Soy beans. This food is great. I recommend pressing it and marinating it. I will write an article on this later. It's a complete chain of amino acids, which means it does not to be mixed, like other vegetables, with other foods to have a complete protien
  • Quinoa. This food is amazing. it is a complete protien like soy. It makes a good breakfeast. It is also very versatile
  • Nuts are great. They have fat, but this is healthy fat. Don't eat too many though, as too many can cause weight gain. A small to moderate ammount is sufficient
  • I recommend a combination of beans and rice/pasta. The reason for this is because beans alone are not a complete protien. Neither is rice or pasta. The trick is by mixing these foods, when digested, your body synthesizes them into a complete protien.
  • Vegetables. These themselves are not high in protien but deserve honorable mention. Why? Because they are often neglected by many. They contain many vitamins and minerals to help speed up muscle recovery and improve over all health.
  • Fat free cottage cheese. This is one of the best foods out there for muscle growth. It is slow digesting casein protein. It has the benefits of milk minus the sugar and the fat! A portion before bed can help prevent atrophy.
  • Egg Whites. Eggs as a whole are good. But unless you have a ridiculously high metabolism, it can he unhealthy to eat a lot of whole eggs. Egg whites are great because they are pure protien--no need to worry about cholesterol. 
  • Lastly, I recommend taking a multi vitamin. This is because many don't do it right and end up lacking in nutrition.
The secret to success in Vegetarian Body Building is eating a large variety of protien from many sources including the one
Please, though, do consult a doctor before doing any changes in your diet to avoid health problems. The foods listed can be used for a vegetarian or non vegetarian. If you have any questions please look me up on twitter, facebook, email, etc.

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  1. I like this list! I'm a big fan of quinoa too. I love my tofu and TVP but can't live on soy alone. I think that's a common newbie vegetarian mistake. Several times a week we have porridge for breakfast that's 50% quinoa and the rest is other whole grains like oats or millet. Millet takes so long to cook I put it in the slow cooker overnight sometimes, but it's cheap nutrition. Don't let anyone tell you eating healthy costs too much :)

  2. I agree. Too much soy could potentially be unhealthy. I've actually never cooked millet myself, but I do like it. Another good food is amaranth. Oatmeal is a good breakfast because of how slow it takes to be digested. I also agree that it doesn't cost much to eat healthy. The issue is when something is labeled a 'health food' it's much more expensive than it normally would be. Thanks for the comment, Lucky66!
