Monday, August 15, 2011

How to Improve Flexibility and Circulation

Hey everyone! Welcome to Cheap Gym and Diet. I have been kind of busy lately, but now I'm back! So many people wonder, how I became so flexible. If you did not know, I can do full splits, touch my toes with my palms, and put both legs behind my head. "Wait a minute, that sounds a little creepy", you are probably thinking. Why would I want to do that? There are lots of benefits. Being flexible is great for party tricks. Nothing leaves a more lasting impression then doing a full split on the dance floor. There are less guys who can dance, than those who can't dance. Yet there are even fewer guys who can do splits than those who can dance. By being flexible you get an edge on the competition. Everyone will remember you as the one who can do a split, perhaps even the guy or girl you are interested in. Another added benefit, is the improved circulation. Stretching is a proven way of improving health. After an intense workout, stretching can help muscles to better relax. This is often neglected by many weight lifters. As a result, when they become big and bulky they also become stiff! This is no good. For exercises like Olympic Lifting one needs to be flexible during cleans, snatches, and squatting.  You don't want to be old and not able to bend over because your hamstrings have become so tight! You need to stretch now! Well actually not now exactly. There is a huge significance as to the time you stretch just as to how you do it. This article points out that stretching can actually WEAKEN muscles before the workout. This is no good. But this does not indicate you should not stretch! Stretch after your workout to loosen up and gain flexibility. Now, this article points out, "Stretching before or after exercising does not confer protection from muscle soreness. Stretching before exercising does not seem to confer a practically useful reduction in the risk of injury". While it may not have proven to reduce soreness, if a muscle remains tight from working out and does not relax, it can interfere with future workouts. Fortunately stretching DOES help relax muscles. Stretching is still a useful tool, but underrated. While the study implies (not proves) stretching doesn't lower injury risk significantly, it doesn't mention the need of getting blood flowing to the muscles. A good warmup of dynamic movements, such as agility ladders, light plyometrics, light running,  and other methods are good alternatives to getting ready for a workout. The difference between having your blood flowing to your muscles and being stiff and not well circulated is huge. This is because the early portion of a workout that has no warmup ends up being the warm up anyways, when that important time could of been used towards working the muscles hard. In short, I recommend a warm up, not necessarily stretching, before a workout, and heavy stretching after. Do consult a medical professional for help before starting any sort of physical routine, that's the bottom line.  Lastly, one of the benefits to flexibility is that you can even perform or teach others through methods like yoga or even performing on the streets. Let me show you a guy who I once met. From what I remember he got a good number of "donations" from his observers. If you are good enough it is possible to perform and make a living like this guy

In my next article, I will list all the exercises that can help you get flexible!
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1 comment:

  1. I thought I was pretty fit but I'm barely flexible enough to touch my toes. I warm up by jogging or something but never stretch. Thanks for addressing this!
