Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Secrets that Experts don't tell you.

Let's be real here. Talk is cheap. People say stuff works and usually it doesn't. I'm going to go ahead and tell you what the experts don't want you to know about. Are you ready? These are the tips that they don't want you to know so they can make you keep paying them for all the advice you don't need. Experts charge lots of money for what's about to be said. So here it is:
1. There are no weight loss miracles; anything listed as a weight loss miracle usually won't work
2. There are no no muscle building miracles either
3. Supplements tend to have unhealthy chemicals in them
4. Spending all your hours in the gym, unless you are a professional, does not work!
5. Muscle is built while you sleep, not when you use them. When you work out you actually damage your muscles. When you sleep they get built stronger according to the work they do.
6. The people who use miracle products are often sponsored to do so. They are usually paid models. They are not normal people. They are not like us! They are genetically gifted and experienced.

Stop living a lie!
Get a body that looks like this

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