Friday, August 5, 2011

Vegetarian Body Building

Whether you knew it or not, I have been a vegetarian for about 8 years. Over this period of time I have had a lot of experiences with my diet--good and bad. When I first started, my diet consisted mainly of frozen pizza, which is obviously not a good idea. As I progressed, my diet included more and more variety, yet it was still lacking. It wasn't until I had to start buying and cooking my own that I realized my diet had been awful. I learned how to make different foods, how to listen to my body, how to shop smart, and how to distinguish between the healthy and unhealthy. "That's good and all" you might be thinking, "but why should I be a vegetarian". Let me list some of the benefits right now!
  • If done right, a vegetarian diet is cheaper. Animals eat the plants, and then you eat the animal. When you pay for meat you are not just paying for the cow, you are paying for the hormones they use to treat it, the land it grazes on, the water, and a whole bunch of other expenses. If you buy the plants that they eat instead, you eliminate a bunch of extra costs. 
  • Animals are often given many antibiotics and hormones which studies have shown could be harmful to the human body
  • Being a vegetarian is good for the environment. It takes an absurd amount of vegetables produce one pound of meat. Much food is wasted for the sake of producing meat. As funny as it sounds, cow farts are harmful to the ozone layer. 
  • Not many people are vegetarians. So when you mention that you are people will more likely remember you. For instance when I saw an old friend once, he asked me if I still was a vegetarian--even before really asking about how I was doing.
  • Chicks dig vegetarians, and I'm serious. Your guy friends will mock you for being vegetarian, I can almost guarantee that will happen. However, when you tell a girl you are a vegetarian, she will admire and assume that you are into health, care about the environment, and love animals.
A vegetarian diet is great! If done correctly, you can lose weight, put on muscle, and impress your peers.
Your next question probably is this, "How do I get enough protien?"
Check out the next article where I discuss this called The Best Vegetarian Foods for Body Building
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